It is a struggle to teach and manage rude and disruptive behavior in class. Side conversations. Texting during instruction. Defiance. All signs of disrespectful behavior that can prevent learning and cause delays.
Student acts of disrespect have steadily increased over the last decade. It is one of the most commonly reported discipline problems in public schools. As a response, teachers are forced to follow strict disciplinary practices. Discipline is meant to create a safe and productive learning environment for all students. However, it can have an adverse effect on students with disabilities. Learning how to handle these situations can improve learning outcomes for all students and reduce achievement gaps.
What does disrespect mean to you? Everyone has different interpretations of what disrespect looks and sounds like. This is largely due to upbringing, personal experiences, and cultural norms. A student using a loud voice may seem rude to some, but to others a preferred way of speaking. Teachers usually respond to acts of disrespect with exclusionary and punitive practices. How effective is traditional discipline? Traditional methods of discipline have proven to be ineffective in helping students learn or demonstrate preferred behaviors. Using ineffective responses to correct unwanted behaviors can lead to further challenges for all students, but especially students with disabilities. The discipline process can be unfair and disproportionately high for students with disabilities. In order to improve academic and social outcomes, awareness and action are needed. How can we reduce inequities in discipline? Learn more about responding to discipline issues by reading our blog The Effects of Discipline on Students with Disabilities: Why Inequities Must Be Considered.
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